Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Diesel Aspiration Induced Chemical Pneumonitis : A Case Report

Dr. Sudipta Srichandan, Dr. Priscilla Joshi, Dr. Nagesh Seth, Dr. Saurabh Chaudhuri

Abstract :

 Chemical pneumonitis is caused by a direct chemical insult due to the entry of a foreign substance, solid or liquid, into the respiratory tract.


The clinical and radiologic manifestations are from asymptomatic focal inflammatory reaction with few or no radiologic abnormalities to severe complications.

The clinical history is important in diagnosing aspiration pneumonia. The nature of the aspirated material, the quantity of aspirated material and the time course of the event influence the size and distribution of the lung parenchymal abnormalities. The most common predisposing factors for aspiration in adults are alcoholism, stroke, seizures, loss of consciousness and neuromuscular disorders.

Chest radiography is readily available and inexpensive as the primary imaging modality and also for monitoring.

Sonography may sometimes be useful to detect pleural fluid and underlying lung consolidation. CT is the modality of choice to resolve details.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Sudipta Srichandan, Dr. Priscilla Joshi, Dr. Nagesh Seth, Dr. Saurabh Chaudhuri Diesel Aspiration Induced Chemical Pneumonitis : A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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