Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Dielectric Constant study of Polyaniline / Dysprosium Oxide (PANI / Dy2O3) Composites

Sangshetty Kalyane

Abstract :

The conducting polyaniline / Dysprosium oxide (PANI / Dy2O3) composites were synthesized by single step in situ polymerization technique by placing fine grinded powder of Dy2O3during the polymerization of aniline. The formation of mixed phases of the polymer together with the conducting emeraldine salt phase was confirmed by spectroscopic techniques like XRD, FTIR & SEM images indicated a systematic morphological variation of particles aggregated in the composite matrix as compared to the PANI. Dielectric constant of these composites were investigated in the frequency range 50 Hz to 5MHz. It is found that Dielectric constant obeyed the power law index and the variation of Dielectric constant with wt% of Dy2 O3  could be related to conductivity relaxation phenomenon.  

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Sangshetty Kalyane Dielectric Constant study of Polyaniline / Dysprosium Oxide (PANI / Dy2O3) Composites Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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