Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Diagnostic Utility of CSF Adenosine Deaminase and C – Reactive Protein Estimation In Meningitis in Adults

Dr . V. P. Amudha, Dr. B. Cinthujah, Dr. G. Sucilathangam

Abstract :

Rapid and accurate diagnosis of meningitis is important, because delay in proper treatment can be harmful or even fatal. Combined use of the rapid screening tests like C Reactive Protein level and Adenosine Deaminase activity could be of much help in the differentiation of various types of meningitis in adults. A total of 50 samples of CSF and Serum were collected from Patients attending in-patient departments of Tirunelveli medical college hospital with meningitis were taken for study.CSF ADA was estimated in all patients by colorimetric method of GALANTI and GIUSTI and C Reactive Protein in CSF was estimated based on latex agglutination. Out of 50 cases, 46% cases were Tuberculous Meningitis, 10% was of Pyogenic Meningitis and 44% was of viral Meningitis. The range of ADA was between 1.2 to 15.4 U/L. At 10 U/L cut off value, sensitivity and specificity of the test for diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was 95.65% and 96.29% respectively.CRP level in CSF was positive in all cases of pyogenic meningitis. All the 22 cases of viral meningitis and 23 cases of tuberculous meningitis showed a negative result for CRP.Many patients are needlessly receiving antitubercular treatment and antibiotics in high doses on erroneous interpretation of CSF. The tests for ADA and CRP in CSF are simple and can be carried out in a central laboratory with a rapid diagnosis, thus reducing undue delay or initiation of unwarranted harmful therapy for patients.

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Dr .V.P.Amudha, Dr.B.Cinthujah, Dr.G.Sucilathangam Diagnostic Utility of CSF Adenosine Deaminase and C - Reactive Protein Estimation In Meningitis in Adults Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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