Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Diabetes presenting as cataract in eye clinic A clinical study

Dr Varsha G. Bapat, Dr Saurabh Chaudhari

Abstract :

Globally cataracts remain the leading cause of blindness, affecting approximately 18 million people.1Cataracts occur at an earlier age in diabetic patients.12,13 We have large number of patients attending eye clinic with cataract without any knowledge of their diabetic status.Statistically significant associations were shown between incident posterior sub capsular cataract and the number of newly diagnosed diabetic patients4This study aim to find out the incidence of diagnosis of diabetes while presenting to the eye clinic for management ofcataract. Thus an early diagnosis and management of diabetes and its complications such as retinopathy can be initiated by proper screening in such patients.

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Dr Varsha G. Bapat, Dr Saurabh Chaudhari Diabetes Presenting as Cataract in Eye Clinic – A Clinical Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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