Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Development of slicing package of solid model for cone and sphere in rapid prototyping

Dineshkumar M. Patel, Prof. P. D. Solanki

Abstract :

The present paper deals with the development of the slicing package of two geometry, cone and sphere, in rapid prototyping. Rapid prototyping is the technique of making prototypes with use of special rapid prototyping machines with various technique. It is called Layered Manufacturing or solid freeform faication technology also. This is the process of manufacturing prototypes making slices of whole component. As we know that development means to explore for understanding better way. Here cone and sphere two geometry are taken for the development. Through the programming various views of the cone and sphere are created. The aim of creating an explored view is achieved and real development of the slices is seen with uniform slicing.

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Dineshkumar M. Patel, Prof. P.D.Solanki Development of slicing package of solid model for cone and sphere in rapid prototyping Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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