Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Development of Reduced Graphene Oxide / Polyaniline (RGO/PANI) composite as novel modified electrode for heavy metal (lead II) detection

Malathi. M, Violet Dhayabaran. V

Abstract :

 Graphene oxide(GO), Reduced Graphene Oxide(RGO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide– Polyaniline(RGO/ PANI) composites were chemically synthesized and characterized by UV–vis, XRD and FT–IR techniques. The results reveal that there was a strong interaction between RGO and polyaniline chains. The average grain size of RGO/PANI composite was found to be 10–15 nm, which is confirmed by XRD analysis. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) measurements demonstrated that the resulted RGO/PANI was electroactive A glassy carbon electrode was modified with RGO/PANI to give an electrode for the selective determination of lead(II) via differential pulse voltammetry. The use of RGO/PANI with their extraordinary electrical conductivity and strong adsorption ability warrants high sensitivity and excellent selectivity for lead(II). The modified electrode shows enhanced reproducibility for lead(II). It responds linearly to lead(II) in the 1 to 30 nM concentration range (with a correlation coefficient of 0.9992) after a 10–min accumulation time.

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Malathi. M, Violet Dhayabaran. V Development of Reduced Graphene Oxide / Polyaniline (RGO/PANI) composite as novel modified electrode for heavy metal (lead II) detection Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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