Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Development of Management Education System in India

Mr. Goudappa Malipatil

Abstract :

The discipline of management / business education has emerged, in the past 50 years, as one of the notable and nearly about more than 120 universalities, 8 IIMs and a number of private institutions are offering a wide variety of degrees at Masters level and Doctoral level as well as Diploma programmes. However, the fastest growth has been at the masters level particularly MBA, which is regarded as an essential professional preparation for managers, both in public and private sectors. Relevance of management education has become more imperative, only during post liberalisation and this has marked a change in the way management education is perceived in India . It is often said that management education in India has attained a stage of maturity but this is qualified to mean that theoretical knowledge and training imparted is on par with many other well–known counterpart institutions in the western world. Presently the postgraduate management programmes of study consist of two–year full time MBA programmes, and part–time 3–year duration. Some universities have even started a bachelors degree programme like BBM, BBA etc. . In this direction , management education must be made Mass Education rather than the Class Education and that too, without compromising on quality. Therefore, management institutes must strive to develop global manager of proper knowledge, attitude, skill, insight and foresight to meet the challenges of 21st century

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Mr. Goudappa Malipatil Development of Management Education System in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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