Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Development and Validation of Hptlc–Ms Method for the Detection of Aflatoxins in Dry Fruits

Roopa Rani, Manmohan Srivastava

Abstract :

A simple HPTLC method of quantification of aflatoxins has been developed using Silica gel 60 F254s HPTLC plates, optimized solvent system of chloroform: acetone (8:2; v/v) in a twin trough chamber saturated for 5 min. Validation was carried out by testing its specificity, linearity (2–12 ng), accuracy (95.952–98.720% and 88.987–90.678%), precision (CV–0.819% and 0.968 %), limits of detection (32.610pg and 16.279pg) and quantification (98.818pg and 49.331pg) for aflatoxin B1 and B2, respectively. The presence of aflatoxins content was also confirmed using TLC–MS interface.

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Roopa Rani, ManMohan Srivastava Development and Validation of Hptlc-Ms Method for the Detection of Aflatoxins in Dry Fruits Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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