Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Anup Kumar Das Talukdar

Abstract :

 T The problems of displacement start with the procedures undertaken by the government to acquire land for a project. This article discusses the various stages and the process of land acquisition, like how people come to know about the project. What was their first reaction, problem faced immediately after announcement, promised made by officials and their fulfilment, and acquiring land. The real agony of displaced people undergo during the process of the displacement. In recent scenario agitations are growing by civil society groups against land acquisition for various projects. Currently, the states acquire land on the ground of public interest; use the function of eminent domain power. Indeed, several such challenges have already been dismissed by the Supreme Court. Faced with protest against land acquisition the government has been forced to acquire the land under the rules of land acquisition act.

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ANUP KUMAR DAS TALUKDAR Development and Displacement: The Role of Land Acquisition Law Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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