Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Developing a Constant Output Speed Transmission For Human Powered Flywheel Motor (Hpfm) with Variable Input Speed– a Novel Gearbox

V. D. Ghuge, J. P. Modak

Abstract :

A concept in which a human being spins a flywheel by system similar to bicycle, the rotational kinetic energy is stored in the flywheel. Such an energy source is conceptualized as Human Powered Flywheel Motor ( HPFM). It caters the need of electrical motor for processes which require power in the range 3 to 9 hp for very short duration of time. As the kinetic energy is drained continuously from the flywheel the output speed of Flywheel Motor decreases continuously which in turn runs a process unit. In this paper an attempt is made to develop and experimentally validate a Novel Gearbox for Human Powered Flywheel Motor which maintains the output speed considerably constant using automatic shifting of gear pinions using flyball governor.  

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V. D. Ghuge, J. P. Modak Developing a Constant Output Speed Transmission For Human Powered Flywheel Motor (Hpfm) with Variable Input Speed- a Novel Gearbox Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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