Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Determination of Rotifer Distribution to TROPHIC NATURE OF PONDS

Dr. B. Sairam Pattnaik

Abstract :

Many scientific investigations reveal that the rotifers are good biological indicators of a particular ecological condition. Some studies have been carried out in establishing species which may serve as indicators of particular types of water quality. With the upcoming of synthetic society the problem of getting good quality of water and related things become obscure. Some of the planktons living in specific environment necessarily not found elsewhere. Rotifers, Copepoda and Cladocerans are common components of freshwater zooplankton communities. Among the zooplanktons especially the species belonging to Rotifera are best indicators of water quality, aquatic pollution and tropic nature of a given environment. Rotifers are most common components of freshwater zooplankton community. Species of the genus Brachionus are sensitive to changes in the water quality. Consequently their use as standard bioassay organisms has been universally recognized (APHA, 1998). Information on the acute toxicity tests of lead (Pb) on Brachionus is available in literature (Snell & Janssen, 1995, Legaspi & Rico 2001). The role of some of the Rotifers in the determination of trophic nature of ponds is discussed in the present investigation.

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DR.B.SAIRAM PATTNAIK Determination of Rotifer Distribution to TROPHIC NATURE OF PONDS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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