Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Determination of Influence Lines of a Portal Frame Adopting Matrix Method of Structural Analysis

Ms. S. J. Modak, H. V. Hazare, S. S. Kulkarni

Abstract :

The objective of the investigation is to mathematically simulate dynamics and viations of a portal frame subjected to a concentrated load moving on it’s horizontal member with a certain constant velocity. This portal frame is a basic structure of a low length single span idge. In an earlier paper [1]• similar investigation is performed applying basic concept of structural analysis encountering elastic deformation of upper beam portion of the portal frame. As against that in this paper Matrix Method of Structural Analysis [2] is applied. The findings by these two approaches are also detailed. The emphasis is on an approach to model forced viations of the vertical members of the portal frame.

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Ms. S. J. Modak, H. V. Hazare, S. S. Kulkarni Determination of Influence Lines of a Portal Frame Adopting Matrix Method of Structural Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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