Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Determination of Elastic behavior of FRC Section by experimentation and validation with FEA

Abhijeet B Phule, D. D. Mohite, Dr. C. P. Pise, S. S. Kadam, Y. P. Pawar, C. M. Deshmukh

Abstract :

 This study represents elastic behavior of FRC section. Initially FRC Six specimens are prepared and tested in universal testing machine at different loading condition. Moreover, percentage of FRC is varied from 0.5% to 1.5% Concrete beam. Effect of percentage of FRC on elastic behavior of specimen is obtained as well as elastic behavior of FRC structure is observed for different configurations of fibers. It is observed that elastic nature of concrete with FRC is enhanced as percentage of FRC increases. Results are validated by using Finite Element Analysis

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Abhijeet B Phule, D.D. Mohite, Dr.C.P.Pise, S.S.Kadam, Y.P.Pawar, C.M.Deshmukh Determination of Elastic behavior of FRC Section by experimentation and validation with FEA Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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