Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

DetectionAnd Removal of flash eye in digital images and its hardware implementation

Pallavisen, Manmeetkaur

Abstract :

 Red eye and flash eye defects in still photography continue to cause a problem in digital images. Red eye effect appears when flash photography is used at night because the eye is unprepared for the sudden influx of light. Many techniques have been proposed for the removal of this effect but most of them are semi automatic and are not fully efficient. This papers deals with the same problem. Latest technique which is the support vector machine(SVM) technique is used for the red eye detection and correction followed by its hardware implementation. It is a fully automatic technique which means that we do not have to manually locate the red eye area.

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Pallavisen, Manmeetkaur Detectionand Removal of Flash Eye in Digital Images and Its Hardware Implementation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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