Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Detection of Hydroxychloroquine Toxicity on Human Retina using Electroretionography

Mobasserian A, Shushtarian S. M

Abstract :

 Aim:Rheumatiod arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease marked by symptoms of inflammation and pain in the joints. Early diagnosis of this disease is important as far as better treatment is concerned. There is no cure for RA, but there are treatment that can help you to manage it.Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a drug that can decrease the pain and swelling caused by RA.This drug has toxic effect on the retina , mainly on macula. Electroretionography(ERG) which measures the electrical response of various cell types in  the retina is an electrophysiological technique which may be used for diagnosis of  adverse effect of HCQ on retina. The aim of present work is to search for ERG changes in RA patients consuming HCQfor a quite a long period. Method:Twenty five RA patients selected for the purpose of present research work. They were all female patients in age range of 30–40 yearsand under HCQ treatmentfor at least two years. ERG was tested in total patient group. b peak of ERG pattern was selected and amplitude(µ v) and latency (msec) of the peak were measured in total population. The same procedure was followed for twenty five subjects with healthy visual system, mainly retina. The control group matched with case one as for as the sex and age were concerned. The results obtained in two groups were compared together for possible ERG  b peak changes in two groups. Results:  It was observed in case group that mean amplitude / S.D. was 128 /13.68and the same calculation was 85 / 11.25(µv) in control group. As for as latency was concerned the mean latency/S.D. was 53/4.28 and 42/2 (msec)  in case and control groups respectively. It was observed that the differences in two groups i.e. case and control were statistically significant as far as latency and amplitude were concerned. Conclusion :  From the results of present  work one can conclude that HCQ may affect retina in RA patients which will be discussed in detail in full paper. 

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Mobasserian A, Shushtarian S.M, Detection of Hydroxychloroquine Toxicity on Human Retina using Electroretionography, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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