Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Detection of HSV–1 and EBER in Patients with Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma

Areej Atiyah Hussein

Abstract :

Background: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common type of salivary gland malignancy in children. It might be found in other organs, as onchi, lacrimal sac and thyroid. However, different studies of viruses in mucoepidermoid carcinoma present conflicting results and some of these works remain in dispute. Objective: To assess the expression of herpes simplex virus–1 and Epstein Barr virus–encoded small RNA (EBER)using immunofluorescence technique and in situ hyidization in stage of mucoepidermoide. Materials and methods: Formalin–fixed paraffin embedded tissues from 22 patients with mucoepidermoide collected from dentist college hospital in Baghdad, In addition, ten apparently normal mucoid tissue autopsiesused as control group. Tissue blocks were sectioned and stuck on charged slides and used for the detection of HSV–1 and EBER. Results: The expression of HSV–1in patients’ tissues with mucoepidermoid in the present study was 27.3%(6 out of 22).While EBER was 63.6% (14 out of 22), where significant differences was found between expression of HSV–1, EBER and age of patients with mucoepidermoid carcinoma, but there was no significant correlation associated between viral expression with gender and site of tumor. Conclusion: Herpes simplex virus–1 and Epstein Barr virus–encoded small RNA could be a co factor in the oncogenesis of mucoepidermoidor could infect cancer tissues opportunistically.

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Areej Atiyah Hussein Detection of HSV-1 and EBER in Patients with Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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