Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Destructive Mealy Bugs of Agricultural and Medical Crops From Kolhapur District, India

Prof. Dr. T. V. Sathe, Dr. Nishad Sathe, Dr. Aruna N. Sathe, A. G. Khamkar

Abstract :

Mealy bugs (Hemiptera) are very potential insect pests of agricultural, medical, horticultural, floricultural and forest crops. They suck the cell sap from crop plants and affect the growth and yield. Therefore, destruc –tive mealy bugs have been studies from above ecosystems. In all, 15 species have been reported from Kolhapur district. The important genera refer to Maconellicoccus, Planococcus, Ferrisia, Ripersia, Drosicha, Drosichiella, Pseudococcus, Saccharicoccus and Nilaecoccus. The dominant and most commonly found species were M. hirsutus and D. mangiferae and polyphagus too. The mealy bugs have been controlled by treating the crops 0.03% methyl parathion. The potential natural enemies of the mealy bugs in the region were lady bird beetles Menochilus sexmaculutus, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri and lacewings. Mealy bugs be controlled by safety chemicals and biocontrol agents as ecofriendly integrated pest management.

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Prof. Dr. T. V. Sathe, Nishad Sathe, Aruna N. Sathe, A.G. Khamkar Destructive Mealy Bugs of Agricultural and Medical Crops From Kolhapur District, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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