Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014


Prof. Manisha R. Mhetre, Ms. Jai Tejay, Dr. H. K. Abhyankar

Abstract :

Energy harvesting from human exhalation using microelectromechanical generator is presented in this paper. Human exhalation is having low force and pressure and hence need careful consideration of the generator from designing point of view. The main objective is to study particular configuration of a MEMS generator used for energy harvesting and optimizing the design parameters of the same to try and obtain maximum power for a given load resistance. The configuration under observation is a micro electromechanical generator that converts energy generated from ambient viations produced by exhalation to useful electrical energy. This generator is a moving magnet type of generator with the wire wound coil stationary in its plane. It consists of four oppositely polarized magnets, to get a maximum flux generated and a copper coil which is wire wound. This paper consists of designing the dimensions of moving magnets desirably for maximum energy to be generated and also by optimizing the coil parameters such as the no. of turns of coil and coil resistance and simulating the results, for a given load resistance.

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Prof. Manisha R. Mhetre, Ms. Jai Tejay, Dr. H. K. Abhyankar Design Optimization of Micro Electromagnetic Generator Used for Energy Harvesting from Breathing Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014

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