Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Design of Automatic Adaptive Semantic Focused Crawler for Mining Services

Gajanan V. Jaybhaye, Prof. Anil V. Deorankar

Abstract :

 There is huge amount of data over the internet. We want to mined actual data or important data from the internet. But, there is some problems at the time of mining any kind of services or data that containsheterogeneity, ubiquity and ambiguity. To tackle such a problem we have design automatic adaptive semantic focused crawler to mine any kind of services over the internet. This crawler will finding, arranging and indexing the data and it will increase the performance of the crawler. This structures combines the automatic adaptive semantic focused crawler with machine learning. This designed crawler will solve the issues related to the heterogeneity, ubiquity and ambiguity and machine learning will increase the performance of the crawler and perform prediction on data. Here, also given implementation of the project with their snapshots.

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Gajanan V. Jaybhaye, Prof. Anil V. Deorankar Design of Automatic Adaptive Semantic Focused Crawler for Mining Services Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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