Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Design inspiration from Nature

Gurkirpal Singh

Abstract :

                  This papers aim is to highlight the impact of present day innovations on human health, society, psychology, nature, environment, flora, fauna, etc. and to address problems like environmental degradation, pollution, ozone depletion, etc. It has its Relevance Because of environmental degradation to an alarming scale such step will help in further controlling the deterioration of natural environment. Aim is to design  for  “green  not  greed”. shelters  should  be  nature  friendly, food  should  be  organic, clothes  should  be  environment  friendly climatic appropriate  shelter, food, clothes  lead  to nature  friendly  innovations.

Different Methodologies throw light on Different impacts of innovations from literature had been high lighted to ing about general awareness among masses for ing about behavioral change. All the innovations must go through zero tolerance environmental impact assessment by multiple agencies. Examples  from  nature: learn  from  termites  how  they  build  homes, learn  from ants to  dig, learn  from nature  to recycle  waste. humans  are  students  of  nature  they  are  just  trying  to  find out the theories behind wonders  of nature like  gravitational  force, magnetic  force, ecosystems, symbiosis, day and night cycle, seasons  cycle, high–low tide. Researchers  had reported  that  human  health  is benefitted  by  interaction  with  nature like  plants  in  offices, walk in  parks, playing  in  nature, forest  walk, children  playing  in  nature  parks, students  ability to perform in  classes improved  by  interaction  with  nature, attention  deficit  disorder  was  cured  with  the  help of  nature involvement. exercise  in  presence  of  nature had been reported  to  improve  performance  and  wellbeing, thus  nature innovation  ideas  can  be  borrowed and their  application in  day to day life  for  public health can  be  incorporated.

Design innovation  should  be  in  sync  with  nature, minimal  changes should be  made to alter for setting up projects. Our impact on this earth should be minimal and support to keep nature intact maximal.

It has been found that many of the innovations had lead to deterioration of environment in the name of development/ advancement/betterment. Whatever we are creating is there in nature already so why spoil nature’s balance and pollute it in the name of development. Villages were self sufficient in terms of resources but we made cities and polluted them in the name of industrialization/development.

Following Conclusions and Recommendations were put forth Environment friendly innovations to be accepted, patented, advertised, produced, aim should be Green instead of Greed.

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Gurkirpal Singh, Design inspiration from Nature, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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