Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Design and Development of Potent Drug Inhibitor to MDM2 Protein in Cancer Through Molecular Docking Studies

Manal Ali Elhag, Nazar Mohammed Gabra, M. A. Baseer

Abstract :

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out–of–control cell growth. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. The p53 tumor suppressor (MDM2) is one of the principal mediators of cell–cycle arrest and the activation of apoptosis in response to cellular injuries. The aim of present study is designing a small molecule(antagonist) having capability to bind with the over expressed MDM2 protein and blocking its path to bind with p53 tumor suppressor protein that is having sufficient absorption and free of hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity. A series of new lead analogs were designed on the basis of structure activity relationship properties then minimized and docked against protein which has the template 1YCR using online tools and software’s. Docking studies of lead molecule analogs designed by substituting different chemical groups shows good binding affinity towards active site of the protein. This studies may paves a new way for better treatment for cancer

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Manal Ali Elhag,Nazar Mohammed Gabra,M. A. Baseer Design and Development of Potent Drug Inhibitor to MDM2 Protein in Cancer Through Molecular Docking Studies Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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