Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Design, Analysis of Mechanism of Amber Charkha

Pankaj Meshram, N. P. Awate

Abstract :

The Charkha is a small device which can be used to spin fiber, such as cotton, into yarn. Faic from this yarn can be used to make all sorts of clothing. Increasing demands of the cotton faics, now a day has made it necessary to increase the production of cotton faics. To increase the production it is necessary to study the factors affecting the performance of the women workers working on Amber charkha. Most of the Amber charkha in rural areas are hand operated (i.e. they run with the help of human energy input). The various factors that are affecting the productivity are top arm is unable to give variable pressure to different pulley. Gandhiji was having desire that every Indian should spin one’s own cotton thread and to weave Khadi, he embedded twin–purpose; one that the people should get engaged in a focused activity and create one’s own gainful employment thereby contributing to the countrys economic wealth. This paper reveals the factors affecting the productivity of amber charkha

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Pankaj Meshram, N. P. Awate Design, Analysis of Mechanism of Amber Charkha Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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