Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Dermatological problems in geriatric patients: a hospital based study

Dr N. L. Sirisha, Dr M. Pavan Kumar, Dr S. Sowjanya

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND : Geriatric health care has become a worldwide concern. In this study, we set out to determine pattern and frequency of dermatoses in dermatological patients aged 60years and above. MATERIALS AND METHODS : The outpatient clinic records of the department of dermatology Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Kadapa, dated between 1March 2014 to 1March 2015 were retro–spectively assessed and patients of 60years and above were enrolled. RESULTS : a total of 937 patients 349 (37.2%) were female and 588 (62.8%) were male. The female to male ratio was 0.59. The most commonly seen diseases were eczema (22.4%), fungal infection (9%), urticaria (8.6%), followed by pruritus(7.3%) and viral infections (7.1%). CONCLUSION : skin disorders especially contact dermatitis and fungal infections were found to be common in the study region. General awareness is critical in minimising the incidence of dermatological disorders.

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Dr N.L.Sirisha, Dr M.Pavan Kumar, Dr S.Sowjanya Dermatological problems in geriatric patients: a hospital based study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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