Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Depression Among Adolescents in Relation to Their Academic Stress

Dr. Supreet Kaur, Vandana Sharma

Abstract :

The present study was aimed to find the relationship between depression and academic stress among adolescents. For the study, a sample of 200 adolescents (studying in XI class) was taken. Beck Depression Inventory–II (Beck, Steer & Brown, 1996) and Scale of Academic Stress (Bisht, 1995) were used for data collection. For the analysis of data statistical techniques like Pearson product moment method and t–ratio were used. Results of the study showed that depression was significantly and positively correlated with academic stress and its dimensions i.e. academic frustration, academic conflict, academic pressure and academic anxiety. This positive relationship demonstrated that as the academic stress increases among adolescents, depression also increases among them. No significant gender difference was observed on depression. Boys and girls significantly differed only on academic frustration dimension except all other dimensions and total academic stress. It also demonstrated that girls exhibited higher level of academic frustration then boys.

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Dr. Supreet Kaur, Vandana Sharma Depression Among Adolescents in Relation to Their Academic Stress Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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