Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Dengue Infection: Prevalence Study at a Hospital of Western UP India

Amit Garg, Deepesh Kumar, Rajni. P, Sujeet Kumar, Upendra S.

Abstract :

 Parents are the significant people in child development. They have dynamic roles and responsibility to type their children as socially competent individuals. Parenting is considered as a specific pattern of behavior that a parent uses to ing up a child. In this article the researcher intended to study the Influence of parenting on the life skills of tribal children. a descriptive research design was used and the life skills and perceived parenting among the students were assessed with standardized tools. The result points out that there is a significant positive correlation between parenting and life skills. Hence it can be perceived that parents are needed to frame their parenting pattern with respect to the development of life skills among children.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Amit Garg, Deepesh Kumar, Rajni.P, Sujeet Kumar, Upendra S. A Study on Parental Influence on the Life Skills Among Tribal Adolescents Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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