Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Demographic Profile of Adolescent and Young Adult Females with Cancer in Urban Ahmedabad Agglomeration area

Archana Bharti, Ajay Chhikara, Meeta Mankad, Pariseema Dave, Anjana Chauhan

Abstract :

 Background: Adolescents and young adults (AYA) are defined as those who are of the age group 15– 39 years at the time of initial cancer diagnosis. There is an increase in incidence rate of cancer among adolescents and young adults. Lack of data for Indian adolescent and young adults with cancer led us to conduct this study. Objectives: To study the cancer incidence and mortality rates and distribution of various cancers within the young female population of 15–39 year olds in Urban Ahmadabad Agglomeration area. Material and methods: An analytical study was done to study the cancer incidence and mortality rates and distribution of various cancers within the young female population of 15–39 years old in Urban Ahmadabad Agglomeration area for the year 2010. Cancer distribution and causes of cancer deaths were studied. Crude, Age specific and Age adjusted incidence and mortality rates were calculated using data on population size and its age structure for the corresponding year. Results: Adolescent and young adult females accounted for 15.4% (n=266) cancer incidence and 13.4 % (n=59) cancer deaths in female population. Crude incidence and mortality rates were 24.36 and 5.4 per lac population respectively. Age specific cancer incidence and mortality rates by five year age groups were function of age and, ranged 6.4– 57.4 % and 1.6–12.2% respectively. The leading cancers in rank were east, myeloid leukemia, ain and nervous system and cervix. Breast cancer was the leading cause of death followed by lymphoid leukemia and cancer esophagus. Conclusion: There is a need to shift our focus on AYA population as it represents a significant number and is a distinct group. Breast and cervical cancers are among the leading cancers and their incidence can be ought down by increased awareness and effective preventive measures. Larger studies are suggested to further elucidate factors contributing to the cancer etiology and trends among adolescents and young adults in India.

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Archana Bharti, Ajay Chhikara, Meeta Mankad, Pariseema Dave, Anjana Chauhan Demographic Profile of Adolescent and Young Adult Females with Cancer in Urban Ahmedabad Agglomeration area Indian Journal of Applied Research,Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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