Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Decisional Capacity for Research in Schizophrenia: A Review

Melisa Pereira, Nilesh Shah, Avinash Desousa

Abstract :

Schizophrenia is a complex biochemical ain disorder that affects an individual’s ability to differentiate real from unreal experiences. The vulnerability of individuals with schizophrenia to impaired decision–making capacity has resulted in ethical concerns regarding their involvement in research. In such persons, cognitive and emotional impairment may result in therapeutic misapprehension– the tendency to confuse clinical research participation with mental health treatment. Avoiding research involving patients is not a justified ethical response as it is also the right of all individuals to participate in research, to benefit from the best treatment, and to contribute to the establishment of best treatments. Several research studies have not only led to better outcomes for mental health conditions but also have had a significant impact on the quality of lives of individuals with mental illness and their families. This review summarises information available on the decisional capacity for research in schizophrenia

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Melisa Pereira, Nilesh Shah, Avinash Desousa Decisional Capacity for Research in Schizophrenia: a Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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