Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Data Protection Laws in India: A Comparative Study

Dr. Ajay Kumar Garg, Shikha Kuchhal

Abstract :

The purpose of this paper is to throw light upon various provisions in Indian laws relating to data protection. A comparative analysis with foreign laws has also been made so as to know the lacuna on Indian laws. The critical analysis of the proposed bill on data protection has also been made. We require framing separate categories of data having different utility values, as the U.S have. Moreover the provisions of IT Act deal basically with extraction of data, destruction of data, etc. Companies cannot get full protection of data through that which ultimately forced them to enter into separate private contracts to keep their data secured. These contracts have the same enforceability as the general contract.

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Dr. Ajay Kumar Garg, Shikha Kuchhal Data Protection Laws in India: A Comparative Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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