Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Data Envelopment Analysis: Jeopardy Can Never be Defeat Without Taking Financial Risk Tolerance

Dr. I Francis Gnanasekar, R. Arul

Abstract :

 According to Warren Edward Buffett "RISK COMES FROM NOT KNOWING WHAT YOURE DOING." A port – folio investment is a passive investment in securities, none which entails in active management or control of the securities issued by the investor. Portfolio investment is investment made by an investor is not particularly interested in involvement in the management of a company. It is also the investment in securities that is intended for financial gain only and does not create a lasting interest in or effective management control over an enterprise. It includes investment in an assortment or range of securities, or other types of investment vehicles, to spread the risk of possible loss due to below expectations performance of one or a few of them. Investors are of different types. There are conservative, moderately conservative, Moderate, Moderately aggressive and Aggressive. Moreover, investor’s risk tolerance varies on the basis of age, sex, income, financial goals and so on. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric method in operations research and economics for the estimation of production frontiers. TORA (Toolkit for Oracle) is a free software database development and administration available. It features a PL/SQL de – bugger, an SQL worksheet with syntax highlighting, a database owser and a comprehensive set of database owser and a comprehensive set of database administration tools (Steven Feuerstein, 2002). In this paper the researchers wish to study the efficiency of portfolio investors in their financial risk tolerance using Data Envelopment Analysis. 

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DR. I FRANCIS GNANASEKAR, R. ARUL Data Envelopment Analysis: Jeopardy Can Never be Defeat Without Taking Financial Risk Tolerance Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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