Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2019

Cytomorphology of Nodular Thyroid Lesions : A Comparative Analysis Of Wet And Air Dried Smears

Dr. Sithy Athiya Munavarah, Dr. Meenakshi, Dr. Suresh Durai J, Dr. Johnsy Merla J, Dr. Chandru Mari, Dr. Shantaraman K

Abstract :

FNAC of thyroid lesions have sensitivity as high as 93.4% with a positive predictive value of malignancy 98.6 % and 74.9 %specificity. Two fundamentally different methods of fixation and staining are used in FNAC: air–drying followed by a Romanowsky stain such as May Grunwalds Gimsa (MGG), Jenner–Giemsa, Wright’s stain or Diff–Quik; and alcohol–fixation followed by Papanicolaou (Pap) or hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Combining the morphological features of various stains often improve the diagnostic accuracy.In the present study, cytoplasmic granularity, paravacuolar granules and thin colloid are very well demonstrated using Wright Giemsa stain. Cell borders and crisp nuclear features such as chromatin pattern, intranuclear inclusions are best appreciated using wet fixed smears stained with H&E and Pap stains. The cytomorphologic features of nodular thyroid lesions using multiple cytological staining techniques to enhance diagnostic sensitivity is evaluated in this study.

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CYTOMORPHOLOGY OF NODULAR THYROID LESIONS : A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF WET AND AIR DRIED SMEARS, Dr.Sithy Athiya Munavarah, Dr.Meenakshi, Dr. Suresh Durai J, Dr.Johnsy Merla J, Dr.Chandru Mari, Dr.Shantaraman K INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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