Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Cytological study of lymphadenopathies - A tertiary care hospital experience

Sumalatha Kasturi, Rajanikar Myadarapu

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: Cervical lymph node enlargement is the most common clinical finding in all age groups. FNAC is useful investigative procedure to avoid unnecessary surgeries in many cases of lymphadenopathies.

AIMS & OBJECTIVES: To study and classify various lymphadenopathies using FNAC and to know the incidence of various causes of lymphadenopathies in and around Karimnagar.

METHODS:ATotal of 222 cases were studied.  FNAC was done on patients presenting with lymphnode enlargement to the department of pathologyover a period of one year from June2016 to May 2017 at atertiary care hospitaland cytological smears were studied.

RESULTS:Incidence of lymphadenopathies was commonly seen in the second decade of life followed by fourth decade of life.Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia was the most common diagnosis followed by granulomatous lymphadenitis.

 CONCLUSION: Lymphadenopathies should beevaluated by FNAC as a first line of investigation. It avoids unnecessary surgery in many cases.

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Sumalatha Kasturi, Rajanikar Myadarapu, Cytological study of lymphadenopathies‾A tertiary care hospital experience, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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