Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Cytological Pattern of Thyroid Lesions at Government Medical College Jammu–A Hospital based study.

Dr. Bharti Devi Thaker, Dr. Arti Devi, Dr. Kailash Singh

Abstract :

  Introduction – Thyroid lesion is a common lesion of endocrine system worldwide including India. FNA is a simple ,safe,rapid, cost effective diagnostic method and is a valuable adjunct to preoperative screening in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions and a valuable tool in the management of patients. Aim– To study the cytological pattern of various lesions of thyroid among patients coming to the cytology section of GMC Jammu. Material and Methods– It was a retrospective study conducted over a period of 2 years from January 2015 to December 2016 ,in the department of Pathology; Government Medical College Jammu. The data was collected from cytology registration forms.   Result– During the study period of 2 years , 280  thyroid cytology were done in the cytology section of Department  of Pathology , Government Medical College Jammu. In this study patient age  ranged from11– 82 years ,with highest prevalence seen between 31–40 years of age.  Female patients were more as compared to males . Among 280 cases,240 cases(85.7%) were of benign cytology, 6 cases were Neoplastic (2%) and 22cases( 7.8%) of thyroid malignancies  were seen. However 12 cases ( 4.2%)were reported to be Non diagnostic . Most of the lesions were benign 240(85.7%) cases  . The most common diagnosis was colloid goiter  comprising of (46.4%)  followed by Hashimotos Thyroidits (19.2%),Adenomatoid goiter(12%), Malignancies (7.8%  ), Lymphocytic thyroiditis(5% ), colloid cyst (2%), Neoplastic (2%) and granulomatous thyroiditis (0.7% ) each. The smears reviewed were also diagnosed according to Bethesda system of reporting pattern for thyroid.Bethesda category I  included (10%), category II (85.7%) ,category III (0% ) ,category IV (2% ),category V (0%) , category VI (7.8%). Maximum no.of cases were seen in Bathesda category II followed by category 1, category  VI,category  IV with none of the cases falling in category  III and V.   Conclusion– Various lesions of thyroid tend to show geographical variation among regions  a nd knowing it is important in   guiding approach to the management of the patients. FNAC is a simple ,safe,rapid, cost effective diagnostic method and is a valuable adjunct to preoperative screening in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions and a valuable tool in the management of patients 

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Dr. Bharti Devi Thaker, Dr. Arti Devi, Dr. Kailash Singh , Cytological Pattern of Thyroid Lesions at Government Medical College Jammu–A Hospital based study., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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