Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Cytogenotoxicity and Lipid Peroxide Induction in Actinomycin D Post–treated Mice

Ratnakar Parida, Ramesh C. Choudhury

Abstract :

Actinomycin D, a polypeptide antibiotic, is primarily used as an investigative tool in cell biology to inhibit transcription and is also commonly prescribed in the treatment of a variety of cancers. However, its reported carcinogenicity and mutagenicity in different test systems necessitated the detail study on its post–treated cytogenotoxic effects. In the present study, all the three tested doses of actinomycin D (0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mg kg–1) induced significant (p £ 0.05 or p £ 0.01) percentages of aberrant metaphases and chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells of mice. But, micronuclei induction was not increased and the drug was not mitotoxic. Lipid peroxide induction was increased in bone marrow, although not significantly, but decreased significantly (p £ 0.05 or p £ 0.01) in liver and testis tissue. The possible mechanisms of such effects have been discussed. The findings can be utilized in dose escalation and in formulating a suitable treatment schedule of this drug.

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Ratnakar Parida,Ramesh C. Choudhury Cytogenotoxicity and Lipid Peroxide Induction in Actinomycin D Post-treated Mice Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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