Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2017

Cytogenetic findings in Prenatal Diagnosis (PND) from King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam

Dr. P. Sudha Padmasri, Swarupa R. Didla

Abstract :

 The present study was to diagnose the fetal chromosomal composition has provided medical cytogenetics with one of its major areas of application. A total of 64 amniotic fluid samples were collected from  King George Hospital and Padmasri clinic, Visakhapatnam and cells were cultured using international standards. Out of 64 samples, 28 (43.75%) samples showed structural chromosomal abnormalities that is deletions and translocations, ring chromosomes and other abnormalities,  whereas 36 (56.25%) samples showed aneuploidy (monosomies, traploidies and polyploides). The discovery of an abnormality allows the option of termination of the pregnancy or, later in gestation, a more suitable obstetric management. The main indications for prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis are the following: (1) the pregnant woman being of advanced childbeå age, (2) parental heterozygosity for a chromosome rearrangement, (3) the birth of a previous child with a chromosome defect, (4) abnormal maternal blood biochemistry, and (5) fetal anomaly detected on Ultrasonography. A useful source for the lay person is Prenatal Testing making choices in Pregnancy. The means to diagnose the fetal karyotype has provided medical cytogenetics with one of its major areas of application.

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Dr. P. Sudha Padmasri, Swarupa R. Didla, Cytogenetic findings in Prenatal Diagnosis (PND) from King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2017

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