Volume : X, Issue : III, March - 2020


Sumitha Prabhu Ps, Sharath Krishnan Pv, Komala Pt, Arun William, Aneesh P, Dinesh Roy D

Abstract :

Miscarriage is spontaneous or induced interruption of pregnancy until 20 complete weeks. Miscarriages occur in approximately 15% of diagnosed pregnancies. A chromosomal abnormality derived from one parent or the recurrence of a numerical abnormality might be a cause recurrent abortion. The present study was conducted on thirty two medically terminated foetuses with gestational week between 14 to 20 week were included as test group and eighteen healthy children of the age ranged from 2 months to 2 years as control subjects. All these aborted foetuses were referred from various infertility clinics and maternity centers of Kerala to Genetika, Centre for advanced genetic studies, Trivandrum for chromosome analysis. Various demographic, physiological, clinical and life style characteristics of the couple (parents) were collected using proforma. Karyotype analysis was performed using intracardiac puncture blood sample of the aborted foetuses and venous blood samples were collected from the control subjects to detect chromosome abnormalities, if any. Cytokinesis–Block Micronuclei (CBMN) Assay was also performed on each sample by using cytochalasin B for quantitating the extent of somatic DNA damages. Regarding the foetal karyotype analysis, 52.94% (n=18) of the study subjects showed abnormal karyotype and 47.06% (n=16) showed normal karyotype. The mean CBMN frequency of study subject was greater than that of control subjects. The higher incidence of abnormal foetal karyotype and increased mean CBMN frequency was found among subjects with advanced maternal and paternal age. Chromosomal analysis is an important etiological investigation in couples with repeated spontaneous abortions as it helps in genetic counseling and deciding about further reproductive options. Modifying lifestyle habits and proper medication will help to avoid future pregnancy loss.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar/9415874  

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CYTOGENETIC AND MOLECULAR CYTOGENETIC STUDIES ON ABORTED FOETUSES, Sumitha Prabhu PS, Sharath Krishnan PV, Komala PT, Arun William, Aneesh P, Dinesh Roy D INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-3 | March-2020

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