Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


M. Shek Meeran, Dr. D. Ranjitham

Abstract :

India is witnessing change in life styles of large section of the population. The need to understand the emerging markets and customers has become a big challenge for the corporate world especially in creating and managing a powerful and. By developing a powerful and, corporate can establish ‘and equity‘ and the equity assists firms in a variety of ways to manage competition and to maintain market share. Due to the globalization process, Indians are getting attracted to readymade dresses, particularly Multinational ands. Buying behaviour of people on anded apparel is changing one. Number of people visits the showroom with a and in mind because the quality and comfort of that and are suitable for them. It becomes important for the marketers to understand these relationships for successful design and execution of anding strategies. The present study investigates customer perception towards anded apparel and to ascertain the and of apparel most preferred by respondents in Tirunelveli Hub. The study is a descriptive study. Primary data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire administered to 215 male respondents in Tirunelveli Town and the type of sampling was convenient sampling. Using statistical package for social science for the following test was administered 1. Factor Analysis, 2. Multiple Regression, and 3. Descriptive statistics. Pilot study was conducted and the necessary additions and deletions were made in the questionnaire. To check the reliability and validity of the data collected Cronbach’s alpha test was administered and the value of Cronbach’s alpha is 0.772. Based on the test result some of the relevant finding were derived that will be use full to find the factors that really influences customers towards particular and of apparel. The manufactures can come out with suitable strategies to overcome the problems 

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M.SHEK MEERAN, DR. D. RANJITHAM Customers Buying Attitude Towards Branded Apparel on Showrooms at Tirunelveli Dist, Tamilnadu Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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