Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012

Customer’s Satisfaction Towards Modernized Petrol Stations With Reference to Coimbatore City

Dr. R. Ganapathi

Abstract :

The life style of customer is changing very fast today. Nobody is ready to spend more time for shopping. Whenever a halt is made by customer in any place he / she prefer to complete more than one type of work. In this way, everybody is doing their work throughout the day. Hence, if an individual is going to full up fuel for his / her two wheeler or four wheeler, he / she wants to complete many work within the available time. Hence, the customers are expecting many more modern services in petrol stations. These types of services are also identified by many petrol station owners and arranged to provide such services in Coimbatore city. Under these circumstances, the researchers have decided to find the level of customers satisfaction with regard to availing such services at modernized petrol stations. The researchers identified the following services which are provided by many petrol stations. They are convenience stores, ATM facility, petro card, ticket booking service, telephone and net surfing facility, medical shop, banking service and latter box. The main objectives of the study present study are the awareness of many more services available in the modernized petrol station among the respondents. Moreover, the customer satisfaction is also highlighted in this study. The study was descriptive in nature. A structured questionnaire was framed with twenty five questions to collect primary data. Samples of 125 respondents were chosen, using convenient sampling technique. The data are collected from the period of June 2011 to Feuary 2012. Thus, collected primary data was analyzed manually with suitable statistical tools like simple percentage analysis, chi–square test, four point scaling technique, average rank analysis and average score analysis. The main findings of the study is that the personal factors of respondents have not influence the type of vehicle owned and frequency of visit to petrol station. Among the services provided by the modernized petrol stations, ATM service facility got first rank among the respondents. By providing many services, the modernized petrol stations have vastly increased their sales.  

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Dr. R. Ganapathi Customer’s Satisfaction Towards Modernized Petrol Stations With Reference to Coimbatore City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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