Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Customer Relationship Management System

R. Deepika, P. Kiruthika

Abstract :

The project involves managing customer service and performing the other allied information processing. The Customer Relationship Management handles the customer requisition details, records for stock in consumer products where many transactions are to be noted, keeping accounts for each deal. The products, price and other details are recorded with quantity of each product. So the product details are entered first followed by the customer information. The customer details such as name, address, and Customer id number will be accumulated. During the requisition details, the customer details and the product they have requested (which is available) are noted in the phase1 and the product that are not currently available (in stock) are manifested in phase2. The product details like product name, quantity, rate, amount (value in Rupees) are entered and saved. The Invoice details unit deals the functionalities like, the customer name; requested product and amount are recorded. Thus the billing settlement for phase1 and phase2 are performed here. The stock information such as current stock for a product, stock in the given date, and quantity of each product details can be viewed. Also, user can view reports for current stock, customer requisition, Invoice Details and easily take hard copies for file or reference. Reports can also be generated for customer details and product details.

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R.DEEPIKA,P. KIRUTHIKA Customer Relationship Management System Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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