Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Customer Experience Driven Expectations–A Cognitive Process

Tarak Paul

Abstract :

 Customer expectations are the key for success in a market which comes from meeting or exceeding their expectation. Understanding the expectations of the customers is of utmost important to serve the customers better. Several literatures have clearly identified the influence of customers’ past experience on their future expectation. This paper examines the involvement of experience driven mental process in the creation of customers’ future expectations by explaining the role of mental component while processing information. This paper provides a conceptual framework of customer experience driven expectation by integrating the concept of customer experience, customer expectation and cognitive psychology. The paper also explains how the concept of mental accounting can be applied to explain the customer expectation and positioning of products.


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Tarak Paul Customer Experience Driven Expectations- A Cognitive Process Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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