Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Curve Arithmetic and Standardization in Cryptography

C. Sajeev, C. Suyambulingom

Abstract :

There are many implementing procedures for cryptography to reduce the key length for providing network security. In this paper we have taken a new effort to solve this with complex analysis and used very small key for better security than ever be assigned. With four stages we conclude the arithmetic and standardization on curves. As a first phase, we generate random numbers using blum blum shub generator. After that a finite field is assigned and using with this elliptic curve has to be drawn. In which by applying montgomery’s algorithm curve arithmetic and standardization is obtained.

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C.Sajeev, C.Suyambulingom Curve Arithmetic and Standardization in Cryptography Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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