Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Current e–Governance Scenario in Healthcare sector in India

Samir Roy

Abstract :

Current e–Governance scenario in healthcare sector in India is disappointing. Public health service run by Government is overburdened and collapsing. Large geographical size, increase population density, inaccessibility, illiteracy, poverty, poor nutritional status, diversity of food habit and life style are various impediments. Government priorities for providing food, safe water and school education are yet to be fulfilled. At this stage low budget for health, lack of funds and coordination have triggered down trend in health services. As medical science is fast developing and information resource is pouring in, there is urgent need for dissemination knowledge by interlinking primary, secondary and tertiary level health centers by ICT applications. This paper reviews ICT applications at National Level and also in Gujarat province. It presents facts on telemedicine, tele–referal service and health information dissemination by Video conferencing, Gramsat and e–Gram tools used in Gujarat. The prospects and constraints of ICT implementation for Governance of healthcare are addressed.

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Samir Roy Current e-Governance Scenario in Healthcare sector in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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