Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016


Vartika Chadda, Akshi, Dr. Anuradha Sharma, Dr. Akanksha Juneja, Dr. Abhishek Mehta, Dr. Saranjit Singh Bhasin

Abstract :

 Smartphone apps are now being increasingly used to help the patient to manage his health and gain access to useful information1. Thus it is essential to use the existing technology to spread dental health. The need of the hour is to develop a suitable app for the patient’s use and help the patient to choose from an assortment of apps available in the market. Thus, an online search was conducted on the World Wide Web and Google Play Store to gain an insight into the existing dental apps. The search result showed an array of apps, of various specialities and features. Based on the observations regarding the existing apps, an app was designed to advocate oral health in the future. It is important for the end user to be able to choose an app with features that are personalized and validated

Keywords :

Dental   Health   Apps  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Vartika Chadda, Akshi, Dr. Anuradha Sharma, Dr. Akanksha Juneja, Dr. Abhishek Mehta, Dr. Saranjit Singh Bhasin, CURRENT DENTAL APPS & THE WAY FORWARD, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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