Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Curative Role of L–Ascorbic Acid on Dicofol Induced Alterations of The Protein Levels in The Freshwater Bivalve, Parreysia Cylindrica

Waykar Bhalchandra, Tambe Ram

Abstract :

The freshwater bivalve Parreysia cylindrica were exposed to chronic dose of dicofol, 0.04023 ppm (LC50/10) alone and in combination with 50mg/L L–ascorbic acid for 21 days. Percent protein contents in the mantle, foot, gills, digestive glands, gonad and whole soft body tissue of control bivalve, Parreysia cylindrica were 43.14±1.52, 62.91±1.32, 53.20± 2.67, 50.86± 2.55, 47.12± 1.93 and 60.72± 1.90 respectively. Percent protein contents in the mantle, foot, gills, digestive glands, gonad and whole body of bivalve, Parreysia cylindrica on dicofol intoxication were 21.22±2.17 (p<0.001), 38.17±2.50 (p<0.01), 22.85±2.04 (p<0.01),17.10± 2.37 (p<0.05), 24.65± 1.20 (p<0.01), and 31.08± 2.62 (p<0.05) respectively. Percent protein contents in the mantle, foot, gills, digestive glands, gonad and whole soft body tissue of bivalve, Parreysia cylindrica on exposure to dicofol with 50mg/L L–ascorbic acid were 24.22± 1.34 (p<0.001), 43.87±2.26 (p<0.01), 28.82±2.94 (p<0.001), 26.90± 2.24 (p<0.05),27.99±1.87 (p<0.01), and 35.06± 2.08 (p<0.01) respectively. Protein contents in all soft body tissue of dicofol exposed bivalve, Parreysia cylindrica showed remarkable decrease in protein content as compared to control. The higher depletion of protein was observed in digestive glands as compared to other tissues. Animal exposed to dicofol in combination with 50 mg/L of L–ascorbic acid showed considerable reduction in the depletion of protein levels. The pre–exposed bivalves for 21 days of exposure to chronic dose of dicofol showed recovery in normal water and the percent protein contents were increased to 29.95±2.92 (p<0.001) in mantle, 47.09±1.41 (p<0.01) in foot, 33.35± 2.28 (p<0.001) in gills, 25.32± 1.92 (p<0.001) in digestive glands, 34.46±2.52 (p<0.01 and 45.54± 2.38 (p<0.001) in whole body, while percent protein contents in presence of 50mg/L of L–ascorbic acid were increased to 38.79± 2.14 (p<0.01) in mantle, 67.10± 2.18 (p<0.01) in foot, 43.31±3.93(p<0.01) in gills, 33.97± 2.28 (p<0.05) in digestive glands,44.74± 2.8 (p<0.01) in gonad and 57.90± 2.28 (p< 0.001) in whole body. Fast recovery of percent protein contents was observed in presence of L–ascorbic acid than the recovery in the normal freshwater. This study indicates the protective and curative property of the L–ascorbic acid against the dicofol induced damage. 

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Waykar Bhalchandra, Tambe Ram Curative Role of L-Ascorbic Acid on Dicofol Induced Alterations of The Protein Levels in The Freshwater Bivalve, Parreysia Cylindrica Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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