Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Culture and Domestic Violence Among the Acholi People of Northern Uganda

Dr. Charles Amone

Abstract :

The spread of the feminist movement across the globe has contributed to the acknowledgement of domestic violence as a worldwide problem. Many scholars have posited that the experiences of victims and perpetuators of domestic violence are best understood against the backdrop of the social contexts that frame their lives. This illuminates the need for the expansion of research to unravel the socio–cultural dynamics that create and perpetuate the problem. This paper analyses the prevalence of domestic violence among the Acholi people of northern Uganda from the perspective of the culture of the people. I conducted a phenomenological study and carried out eighteen key informants’ interviews in three of the largest Acholi districts. The conclusion is that domestic violence in this society is a factor of the patriarchal culture.  

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Dr. Charles Amone Culture and Domestic Violence Among the Acholi People of Northern Uganda Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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