Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Cultural Realm as Super–organic : Insights for Non–reductionist approach in Social Sciences

Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma

Abstract :

The term super-organic, used in the study of culture, has important implications for human studies and social sciences in general. The paper seeks to draw significant insights for non reductionist approach in social sciences. Understanding culture as belonging to super-organic implies that although it has linkages with, and is related to organic and inorganic domains, it cannot be reduced to organic or inorganic processes of the nature. This saves us from speculative approach that denies any necessary linkages between human and material realm on the one hand, and reducing human realm to material domain on the other.

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Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma Cultural Realm as Super-organic : Insights for Non-reductionist approach in Social Sciences Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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