Volume : X, Issue : VII, July - 2020


Ms. Maria Shanthi Fernandes, Dr. Paul G Aquinas

Abstract :

There is much that companies can do to support health care as a part of their 2% mandatory spending. Self–driven corporate social responsibility (CSR) providing free or subsidised services will be useful to the under privileged people. Companies need to find more ways to engage in CSR activities around healthcare. CSR activities need to focus on primary, secondary and tertiary aspects of health care. Such CSR initiatives will minimise the health care problems to a larger extent and in turn develop company’s positive business reputation, better financial performance etc. This paper is an overview of understanding the integration of CSR with public health care.

Keywords :

CSR   Health Care   HCOs  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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CSR IN HEALTH CARE - AN OVERVIEW, Ms. Maria Shanthi Fernandes, Dr. Paul G Aquinas INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-7 | July-2020

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