Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Crystal growth and structural analysis of ZrSxSe2–x single crystals

H A Patel, K R Patel

Abstract :

 The series of zirconium sulphoselenide (ZrSxSe2–x where x= 0, 1 and 2) single crystals were grown by chemical vapour transport technique using iodine as a transporting agent.  The stoichiometry of the as grown crystals was confirmed with the help of Energy Dispersive Analysis by X–ray (EDAX). The structural characterization was accomplished by X– ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The crystals are found to possess hexagonal crystal structure.  The lattice parameters, volume, particle size and X–ray density have been carried out for these crystals. The effect of sulphur proportion on the lattice parameter, unit cell volume and X–ray density in the series of ZrSxSe2–x single crystals was studied and found decrease in all these parameters with rise in sulphur proportion. The grown crystals were examined under optical zoom microscope for their surface topography study.  The results obtained are discussed in detail.

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H A Patel, K R Patel, Crystal growth and structural analysis of ZrSxSe2–x single crystals, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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