Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Shailaja V. Rao, Prabhakar S. Jirvankar

Abstract :

 Weil’s disease is characterized by variable combination of Jaundice, Acute kidney injury, hypotension and hemorrhage – most commonly involving the lungs. Critical illness Polyneuropathy comprises the neuromuscular syndrome of acute limb and respiratory weakness that commonly accompanies patients with multi organ failure and Sepsis. It is a major cause of difficulty in weaning off the patient from the Ventilator. It is usually an Axonal motor and sensory Polyneuropathy. Multi organ failure, Encephalopathy/coma, elevated serum glucose and reduced serum albumin are risk factors for development of Critical illness polyneuropathy. We report the case of 45 year old woman having Weil’s disease with hepatic encephalopathy with respiratory failure who developed flaccid quadriparesis during stay in the hospital and posed great difficulty in weaning from Ventilator. Nerve conduction study confirmed diagnosis of critical illness neuropathy

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Shailaja V. Rao, Prabhakar S. Jirvankar Critical Illness Polyneuropathy Complicating Weil¥s Disease Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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