Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012

Credit Card Usage in Coimbatore

G. Murali Manokari, Dr. R. Ganapathi

Abstract :

A survey was conducted among the credit card holders in and around Coimbatore to find out the usage and level of satisfaction on the various components of credit cards. Data was collected from a sample of 200 respondents comprising salaried class, business community and professionals. The study revealed that majority of the card holders utilized the cards for purchase of consumer goods and grocery. The respondents agreed that there was a perceptible change in their spending behaviour. While 56% of the respondents used the cards often, 24% used it very often. Nearly 20% used it very rarely. Some of the card holders (43%) felt that the cash withdrawal charges were high. By and large the respondents were satisfied with the convenience and services offered by credit cards. Chi–square analysis indicated that there was significant association between educational background of the respondents and frequency of usage of cards, occupation and usage of cards, various income groups and satisfaction level and occupation and adequacy of credit limit. Classification : Research paper under banking sector

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G. Murali Manokari, Dr. R. Ganapathi Credit Card Usage in Coimbatore Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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