Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Creativity in relation to Socio–Economic Status in Secondary School Students in West Bengal

Dr. Birbal Saha

Abstract :

The present study was conducted to provide information and relation between creativity and socio–economic status in West Bengal, India. Data was collected through TTCT for creativity and Socio–Economic Status Scale of Kuppuswamy of 100 secondary students of Birbhum District in West Bengal, by randomly. The result revealed that 1) creativity is positively related with socio–economic status, 2) boys and girls students do not differ significantly in their creativity, 3) boys and girls students are not differ significantly with regard to socio–economic status.

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Dr. Birbal Saha Creativity in relation to Socio-Economic Status in Secondary School Students in West Bengal Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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